Thursday 30 October 2008

Dont let your dance school suffer in the economic gloom

Just watched the news ! Economic gloom is everywhere. Hows your dance school coping ? Has studio rental gone up ? Are your classes full ?

While I do not buy into this despondency, it is true that it’s time to radically change our approach as Entrepreneur Dance Instructors. Those who don’t will unfortunately suffer badly – but the good news is that those who are smart about this will actually increase their profits substantially in the months and years ahead.

The cost of a class in the UK is £5approx. So hopefully the credit crunch is not having a huge impact on our trade.,you may think. It is a fact that most dance schools are small businesses so even a slight decline in customers/students could have a massive negative impact on the business. Many that hire halls or studios will find that these prices have also been increased or will be increasing ! For those who teach in the less affluent areas will need to act quickly to financially survive this economic gloom !

So Im offering you a gift...
your gift is your solution. Whether your dance school is thriving or not in todays market, you need to be one step ahead and take your career or business to the next level. How do you do that ? Its simple, Open your market to the world. Teach dance online. Get with the times and start thinking ahead and act NOW. is an online studio where you can teach dance classes in your own dancemass studio and have students from anywhere in the world attend your class. My gift to you is that you can have studio space on for FREE. All you need to do is claim it now !

Just go to to register your free studio space and start teaching any style to students at any level all over the world today.

Best Wishes

Dawn DeMendonca

do you teach dance part time ? or full time ?

For many dance teachers, their passion for dance grew from a childhood hobby to a part time income. Why part time ? Mainly because they feel that teaching dance full time will be too exhausting for their body and will not have enough students in their local area to provide a full time income. For most, dance has always been a hobby and continue the art into adulthood in the form of teaching.

If you are self employed and teach dance full time.. you must be exhausted ! I remember teaching 15 classes a week and although I done this for a few years, lesson planning became demanding together with increased admin. Being self employed is also a huge responsiblity therefore usually meaning more time is required. Lack of business knowledge can also play a huge impact in loss of earnings.

Now I want you to imagine this..

What if.. you could teach dance 24 hrs 7 days a week without feeling exhausted ?
What if.. you could use an easy business tool to explode your profits ?
What if.. you could reach students not just in your local area but worldwide, would your income increase?

Well..You can !.. and more..

All you need to do is

Register Now for your FREE studio space on Upload your teaching video and have students from all the world attending your class 24 hours a day, 7 days a week earning you an income whilst you sleep, work and play.

See you in there !

Dawn DeMendonca

ps. Happy Halloween and this is No trick ! This is really a treat.. You even get a free warm up video when you claim your free studio space now on

Monday 13 October 2008

is there money in dance ?

I went to a video studio today in London and got talking to one of the staff members when I was off camera. She use to dance when she was younger and even started to further her education in dance but despite her passion and advanced ability she then decided to drop out and get a job instead. Her reason for quiting was because she felt that dancing as a career wouldnt be able to support her financially. I often wonder how many other really talented dancers are out there who decided not to take up their passion of dancing as a career for same reason... (money). Why is it so difficult to earn a living through dance ? What are the solutions ?

I support all of you out there who struggle with life as a dancer..and I want to help you. Its a fact that teaching dance is the most popular way of earning a regular income, but can your body really cope with teaching dance full time ? Well.. I got some exciting news for you !! What if your class was available 24/7 with students from around the world attending your class.. how much would you be earning then ? The solution is simple, all you need to do is teach your moves online...and have a worldwide student base 24/7, dont limit yourself go for your dreams ! all you need to do is sign up on and guess what? dont even have to pay for studio/hall rental !

Do it now, what are you waiting for?